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How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) - Katherine Hampsten

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Title :  How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) - Katherine Hampsten
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Frames How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) - Katherine Hampsten

Description How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) - Katherine Hampsten

Comments How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) - Katherine Hampsten

Ken Odiref
The clay analogy was brilliant
Comment from : Ken Odiref

Ishak Suhaimiez
bFAPOSI/bbrbrFactsbrAssumptions brPerceptionsbrOpinionsbrSuggestionsbrInstructionsbrbrbRighteous & Humane/b
Comment from : Ishak Suhaimiez

Bennedict Palacay
I found the video very educational and it really explained properly how miscommunication happens as well as the animation portrayed in the video was explicit
Comment from : Bennedict Palacay

Matt Fulache
wow great video
Comment from : Matt Fulache

This is really insightful, thank you so much! ❤
Comment from : colaarc

Trisha NT
This was informative and easy to understand! Appreciated the animations explained the content, also liked the symbolisms and tips They were very helpful! :)
Comment from : Trisha NT

ʕ • ᴥ•ʔ
1 Have you ever talked with a friend about a problem only to realize that he just doesn't seem to grasp why the issue is so important to you? br친구와 문제에 대해 이야기하다가 그 문제가 왜 당신에게 중요한지 친구가 이해하지 못하는 것 같다는 것을 깨달은 적이 있습니까?br2 Have you ever presented an idea to a group and it's met with utter confusion? br그룹에 아이디어를 제시했는데 완전히 혼란스러워진 적이 있습니까? br3 Or maybe you've been in an argument when the other person suddenly accuses you of not listening to what they' ' re saying at all? br아니면 다른 사람이 갑자기 자신의 말을 전혀 듣지 않는다고 당신을 비난할 때 말다툼을 해본 적이 있습니까? br4 What's going on here? br무슨 일이야?br5 The answer is miscommunication, and in some form or another, we've all experienced it br대답은 잘못된 의사소통이며, 어떤 형태로든 우리는 모두 그것을 경험했습니다br6 It can lead to confusion, animosity, misunderstanding, or even crashing a multimillion dollar probe into the surface of Marsbr혼란, 적개심, 오해를 일으키거나 심지어 수백만 달러짜리 탐사선을 화성 표면에 충돌시킬 수도 있습니다br 7 The fact is even when face - to - face with another person, in the very same room, and speaking the same language, human communication is incredibly complex br사실 같은 방에서 다른 사람과 대면하여 같은 언어를 사용하더라도 인간의 의사소통은 엄청나게 복잡합니다 br8 But the good news is that a basic understanding of what happens when we communicate can help us prevent miscommunication br그러나 좋은 소식은 우리가 의사소통할 때 일어나는 일에 대한 기본적인 이해가 잘못된 의사소통을 방지하는 데 도움이 될 수 있다는 것입니다 br9 For decades, researchers have asked, " What happens when we communicate?" br수십 년 동안 연구원들은 "우리가 의사소통을 하면 어떤 일이 일어나는가?"라고 질문했습니다 br10 One interpretation, called the transmission model, views communication as a message that moves directly from one person to another, similar to someone tossing a ball and walking away br전달 모델이라고 하는 한 해석은 커뮤니케이션을 누군가가 공을 던지고 멀어지는 것과 유사하게 한 사람에서 다른 사람으로 직접 이동하는 메시지로 간주합니다br 11 But in reality, this simplistic model doesn't account for communication's complexity br그러나 실제로 이 단순한 모델은 커뮤니케이션의 복잡성을 설명하지 않습니다 br12 Enter the transactional model, which acknowledges the many added challenges of communicating br의사 소통의 많은 추가 문제를 인정하는 트랜잭션 모델을 시작하십시오br13 With this model, it's more accurate to think of communication between people as a game of catch 이 모델에서는 사람 간의 의사소통을 캐치 게임으로 생각하는 것이 더 정확합니다br14, As we communicate our message, we receive feedback from the other party br우리는 메시지를 전달하면서 상대방으로부터 피드백을 받습니다br15 Through the transaction, we create meaning together br거래를 통해 함께 의미를 만들어 갑니다br16 But from this exchange, further complications arise br 그러나 이 교환에서 더 많은 문제가 발생합니다 br17 It's not like the Star Trek universe, where some characters can Vulcan mind meld, fully sharing thoughts and feelings br 일부 캐릭터가 Vulcan의 정신이 융합되어 생각과 감정을 완전히 공유할 수 있는 Star Trek 세계와는 다릅니다 br18 As humans, we can't help but send and receive messages through our own subjective lenses br인간으로서 우리는 자신의 주관적인 렌즈를 통해 메시지를 보내고 받을 수 밖에 없습니다br19 When communicating, one person expresses her interpretation of a message, and the person she's communicating with hears his own interpretation of that message br의사소통을 할 때, 한 사람이 메시지에 대한 해석을 표현하고, 그녀가 의사소통을 하는 사람은 그 메시지에 대한 자신의 해석을 듣습니다br20 Our perceptual filters continually shift meanings and interpretations br우리의 지각 필터는 지속적으로 의미와 해석을 바꿉니다 br21 Remember that game of catch? Imagine it with a lump of claybr그 캐치 게임을 기억하십니까? 점토 덩어리로 상상해보십시오br22 As each person touches it, they shape it to fit their own unique perceptions based on any number of variables, like knowledge or past experience, age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or family background br각 사람은 그것을 만질 때 지식이나 과거 경험, 연령, 인종, 성별, 민족, 종교 또는 가족 배경과 같은 다양한 변수를 기반으로 자신의 고유한 인식에 맞게 모양을 만듭니다 br23 Simultaneously, every person interprets the message they receive based on their relationship with the other person, and their unique understanding of the semantics and connotations of the exact words being used br 동시에 모든 사람은 상대방과의 관계, 사용된 정확한 단어의 의미와 의미에 대한 고유한 이해를 바탕으로 받은 메시지를 해석합니다 br24 They could also be distracted by other stimuli, such as traffic or a growling stomach br 그들은 또한 교통 체증이나 으르렁거리는 배와 같은 다른 자극에 의해 주의가 산만해질 수 있습니다 br25 Even emotion might cloud their understanding, and by adding more people into a conversation, each with their own subjectivities, the complexity of communication grows exponentiallybr 감정조차도 그들의 이해를 흐리게 할 수 있으며, 대화에 각자 자신의 주관성을 가진 더 많은 사람들을 추가함으로써 의사 소통의 복잡성이 기하급수적으로 증가합니다br 26 So as the lump of clay goes back and forth from one person to another, reworked, reshaped, and always changing, it's no wonder our messages sometimes turn into a mush of miscommunication 따라서 점토 덩어리가 한 사람에게서 다른 사람으로 왔다갔다하고, 재가공되고, 재형성되고, 항상 변하기 때문에 우리의 메시지가 때때로 잘못된 의사소통의 엉망진창이 되는 것은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다 br27 But, luckily, there are some simple practices that can help us all navigate our daily interactions for better communication br하지만 다행스럽게도 우리 모두가 더 나은 의사소통을 위해 일상적인 상호 작용을 탐색하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 몇 가지 간단한 관행이 있습니다br28 One : recognize that passive hearing and active listening are not the same br하나 : 수동적 듣기와 능동적 듣기가 동일하지 않다는 것을 인식하십시오br29 Engage actively with the verbal and nonverbal feedback of others, and adjust your message to facilitate greater understanding br다른 사람의 언어적 및 비언어적 피드백에 적극적으로 참여하고 더 잘 이해할 수 있도록 메시지를 조정하십시오 br30 Two : listen with your eyes and ears, as well as with your gut br 둘 : 눈과 귀로 듣고 직감으로 들어라br31 Remember that communication is more than just words br 의사소통은 단순한 말 그 이상이라는 것을 기억하십시오 br32 Three : take time to understand as you try to be understood br셋 : 이해받으려 할 때 이해하는 시간을 가져라br33 In the rush to express ourselves, it's easy to forget that communication is a two - way street br자신을 표현하려고 서두르다 보면 의사소통이 양방향이라는 사실을 잊기 쉽습니다br34 Be open to what the other person might say br상대방이 말할 수 있는 것에 마음을 열어라 br35 And finally, four : Be aware of your personal perceptual filters br그리고 마지막으로 네 가지: 개인적인 지각 필터를 인식하십시오 br36 Elements of your experience, including your culture, community, and family, influence how you see the world br 문화, 지역 사회, 가족을 포함한 경험의 요소는 세상을 보는 방식에 영향을 미칩니다 br37 Say, " This is how I see the problem, but how do you see it?" br"나는 문제를 이렇게 보고 있는데 당신은 어떻게 보십니까?"라고 말하십시오br38 Don't assume that your perception is the objective truth br당신의 인식이 객관적인 진실이라고 가정하지 마십시오br39 That'll help you work toward sharing a dialogue with others to reach a common understanding togetherbr그것은 함께 공통의 이해에 도달하기 위해 다른 사람들과 대화를 나누는 데 도움이 될 것입니다
Comment from : ʕ • ᴥ•ʔ

Mark C
The message communicated by this video is extremely simplistic and leaves out something very important in this day and age: (and even when it was posted 7 years ago) Online media literacy Is it MAYBE possible that SOME of this post Covid polarization has something to do with the fact that it's all done online? So it's not just "beyond words" but beyond the platform, and you know almost nobody is going to ever meet in person to straighten anything out Of course, the tendency to pay attention to ones own side and not seriously consider the perspective of the other to any significant extent doesn't help, neither do psychological/psychiatric issues either known or unknown/ignored/not understood All these people convinced they know who the enemy is and some joe schmoe rando online is another one of them would be comical if it wasn't so sad and causing a ton of chaos in the world This even happens to people who know each other in person, but the fact the problematic communications happen online is completely ignored and it's all about the person, and they never learn a single thing about the dynamics of the communication Personal blame rather than exploring what went wrong in the process, always
Comment from : Mark C

When the person you're talking with says "ohhhhhhh yeah! I get it!"" without saying what it is that they now understand
Comment from : MEMA AMEM

Dude the extra sounds disrupt what this dude is trying to say and this is supposed to be about why we have miscommunication?? SMH
Comment from : SHULSE Music

fatma hakami
Comment from : fatma hakami

Shiannah Belanger
my social disability and the inability to start end and continue a conversation in general is trying to grasp this but it cant 😭😭
Comment from : Shiannah Belanger

Voten por Seo Won en boys planet
Comment from : zzz

Ryan Frizzell
Sweet! With this I’ll be involved in less miscommunications and people that I communicate with better understand me the first time around
Comment from : Ryan Frizzell

Đỗ Thu Trinh
Đầu tiên phải thực sự lắng nghe nghĩa là chủ động lắng nghe 2 là lắng nghe 1 cách cởi mở 3 lọc những gì trong giao tiếp
Comment from : Đỗ Thu Trinh

Very interesting and insightful, actually misunderstanding can cause lot's of troubles and not just troubles but things that could have been an answer to things that we had always dreamt of or wished for I respectfully disagree with it or decline this offer They won't feel humiliated this way
Comment from : LOUISE SAGUN

it's all about context slow down & use your understanding of psychology and the world and don't forget to use nonviolent communication methods
Comment from : GaiaTheSage

james peek
this animation is too funny lmao
Comment from : james peek

Storm ise Champ
Miscommunication exists in this civilization For example, when people do not know what to say can end up in miscommunicationbrTraditional politics had a greater focus on communication The fallacy of seeing white people always at times like the renaissancebrWe are not at something like the renaissance so you can see miscommunication
Comment from : Storm ise Champ

here for school
Comment from : EmBee

Ryan Frizzell
Thank you for the information This improves my communication
Comment from : Ryan Frizzell

j'ai pas aimé
Comment from : Thomas

Fallout 3
why the triangle so mad tho
Comment from : Fallout 3

Comment from : hampter

Kk Lol
But can you be free from all of it completely?
Comment from : Kk Lol

Adam Laskowski
Comment from : Adam Laskowski

ini maksudnya gimana ya co ya? tolong aja ya
Comment from : J

Hannah Plumb
love it
Comment from : Hannah Plumb

Moe Mars
Comment from : Moe Mars

people rely WAY too much on the actual words there are not enough of them to really get a point across it always seems to me that languages were put in place just to get us away from all our other senses and make us completely lost but have the false sense of understanding its only getting worse the more people rely on text scary days
Comment from : cookytrix

Ladieslisten up MISCOMMUNICATION Say it direct Not subtle hints ridiculous sayings Just direct That's main source of Alot of problems in the world
Comment from : mxferro

Dr Seku Gathers
Comment from : Dr Seku Gathers

Tancredi Monteleone
That's the clearest video I've ever watched
Comment from : Tancredi Monteleone

Still Existing
4:09 The circle goes in the square hole! lol
Comment from : Still Existing

Michael Anderson
Best way to avoid miscommunication is to speak with precision and clarity to people capable of comprehension
Comment from : Michael Anderson

murtaza lakhani
This should be taught in SCHOOLS
Comment from : murtaza lakhani

Comment from : hobbytoby888

why is the blue triangle always so angry
Comment from : domesticated_stew

Anna Lawrence
The scared bail laterally relax because employee intuitively thaw regarding a silky armadillo mixed, shut font
Comment from : Anna Lawrence

Anna Nurjanah
Thank you for the illustration It is really interesting I would gladly share this to my Communication students at class :)
Comment from : Anna Nurjanah

GUSTILO, Irra Desiree
Good day, TED-Ed! Would you mind if I use this SUPERB video of yours? I will give you credits, for sure! THANK YOU AND HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Comment from : GUSTILO, Irra Desiree

Morning Morgan
Except when you have ADHD and can’t recall specific words on the spot in conversation so you use a synonym so you don’t have to pause and try to wait for it to come back to your mind and it’s taken negatively by the other person because they associate a negative connotation with the word you used When the word does not always imply fault, and doesn’t have a negative connotation in your understanding of the word So they text everyone saying that you said something horrible about others because they assumed you meant someone was at fault and did something intentionally when you didn’t And you get cussed out by a third party they had texted Due to the fact that in the other persons mind it was interpreted differently AND there was a game of telephone telling the third party, further changing the meaning And now you want to quit your job because everyone hates you over a misunderstanding
Comment from : Morning Morgan

Street Vlogger
Good video
Comment from : Street Vlogger

Ơ rê ka
i need to remember this
Comment from : Ơ rê ka

Riche Pinca
This was very helpful in the party of a spokesperson, whether the receiver of the message could get it or not✌️🤓
Comment from : Riche Pinca

hemali Vengurlekar
Very helpful tips to avoid miscommunication
Comment from : hemali Vengurlekar

Kushagra Srivastava
Comment from : Kushagra Srivastava

Jenavee Azurin Valenzuela
That last point is helpful to me Thank you!
Comment from : Jenavee Azurin Valenzuela

Alexander Glinskiy
This is brilliant ! 🤩
Comment from : Alexander Glinskiy

Ange Ashley
😂 I love the characters so true & really funny
Comment from : Ange Ashley

Brett Proctor
Triangle dude needs some anger management therapy
Comment from : Brett Proctor

The animated illustrations are amazing 😍
Comment from : Yulizie

St Au
It can lead to F O 🤷
Comment from : St Au

K Sea
I think about this every day I like to believe I have great understanding and communication skills to make sure what is being said is understood and spoken as clear as possible I also do not let my biases get in the way of objectivity
Comment from : K Sea

Isaiah DeFreitas
Stop your assessment I don't want to talk to you anymore please send a Doctor in or another nurse in The nurse was rude she has no idea how I feel Jumped around from question to question lack of note taking, unorganized, very cliche Nurse needs to work on her people skills
Comment from : Isaiah DeFreitas

Gyanaranjan Panda
Examples of miscommunicated people people who disliked the video
Comment from : Gyanaranjan Panda

David Alexandru
fcsb e steaua
Comment from : David Alexandru

Rebecca Wilde
There is too much going on in this video
Comment from : Rebecca Wilde

Marco Brusas
Comment from : Marco Brusas

ssrinivasan manjula
Comment from : ssrinivasan manjula

That's why I have to disagree with that, for police work and other intellectual property and positive thinking against my work, regardless of violations or denial of rights, and lies from authorities to try to justify to associate with their system, which would be an international crime
Comment from : iEuno1

aditya thota
Masterfully said
Comment from : aditya thota

Prakhar Singh Kaushik
This video is more relevant now, when most of the time you talk is through the zoom calls!
Comment from : Prakhar Singh Kaushik

Georg Wilde
I missunderstand all messages about subjectivity Claims about objective reality is something that has a reference and that i can check Once you claim something is subjective, it is irrelevant stuff
Comment from : Georg Wilde

Srinivas Kumar
Dear beloved two Hds could you listen this video four my convenience brIf you felt anything wrong you could brCommunicate with me without any hesitation brI could correct myself if anything wrongbrYou Both of would correct if anything wrong yourselfbrMisunderstanding was very dangerous it leads into problemsbrKTRR you have an Idea for our brproblem brYou could give solutions two us brFor me no problembrKTRR four my First priority and Four my First choices four my life Bi was yourbrBut if I given importance two you my Hds felt bad brWhat I have two do I don't knowbrAs A Male you give Solution two our problem brFor me no problem two me
Comment from : Srinivas Kumar

Surkew Rasoul
Very informative, actually misunderstanding can cause lot's of problem and not just problems but things that could have been a solution to things that we had always dreamt of or wished for so I have found it to be useful to say to people things like, I respectfully disagree or I respectfully decline this offer that way they dont feel humilliated but at the same time you dont mess up the relationship,, bussiness partner or even a stranger I suppose not everybody would see that anyways , and that is understandable if that became the case it's best to just walk away from it or them
Comment from : Surkew Rasoul

Yanjun Jin
what does" listen with your eyes, ears, and guts" mean?
Comment from : Yanjun Jin

Whoever was behind the graphics and animation, kudos!!!
Comment from : mureashk

Fcrit ki public
Comment from : ONE MUFC

Rodrigo Perez Parra
What English level is this video intended for? (A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2)
Comment from : Rodrigo Perez Parra

Nesreen Mahdy
According to the video, What is the transmission model?
Comment from : Nesreen Mahdy


Unsupportive Person
I nearly lost my life when I had a conversation with someone and he confused the point of my message
Comment from : Unsupportive Person

Bob Vincent
My husband and i got Married last year and we have been living happily for a while We used to be free with everything and never kept any secret from each other until recently everything changed when he got a new Job in Texas months ago, we have been in a long distance relationship for some months, he has been avoiding my calls and i got suspicious of him cheatingI asked my husband about it and he told me that he is always busy and working ,We had a big argument about it, this went on for long until one day i decided to notify my friend about this and that was how she introduced me to Mr John a PI/Hacker who helped her when she was having issues with her Husband I never believed he could do it but until i gave him my husband’s Mobile phone number He proved to me by hacking into my husband’s phone where i found so many evidence and proof in his Text messages, whatsapp,instagram and other social media including pictures that my husband has an affair with his co-worker I have sent all the evidence to my lawyer I just want to thank Mr John for helping me because i have all the evidence and proof for my lawyer, You can contact him on Gmail (ultimatehack003 ) or WhatsApp +17202954268, i Feel so sad about infidelity
Comment from : Bob Vincent

Mike H
I love this
Comment from : Mike H

Lex Heart
The animation is soo cuute ahahahaha XD
Comment from : Lex Heart

Bro when the teacher is sus
Comment from : prx

Mr Wolf
“Let’s agree to disagree”
Comment from : Mr Wolf

Pranjal Singh
Yep, gold mine right here TED-Ed is such a great resource
Comment from : Pranjal Singh

Chris Rantie
sweet baby jesus spot on
Comment from : Chris Rantie

Hello other students that have to watch this!
Comment from : LaloIsMT

Tra Thu
Comment from : Tra Thu

Student Nurse Saima
For my uni work- very insightful and will use this in nursing practice
Comment from : Student Nurse Saima

Angello Gabriel Ioakimides
HI!, I;d like to offer the Greek translation to the subtitles, but the systems seems "locked" Any suggestion on how to do it? Id prefer to share it with the world rather than jsut dor my self
Comment from : Angello Gabriel Ioakimides

Cheryl Marques
Comment from : Cheryl Marques

Roman Soiko
Всеобщая декларация пр-ва человек международный пакт грджанск й пакт и еекономеский пакт международный пакт рамсрвой дикримансция
Comment from : Roman Soiko

and also one has to pay attention to how the other person can be interpreting your message too this is something that fails a lot, for example when a teacher doesn't understand what part of their explanation is that a student is not understanding or in twitter arguments where one can see both people are not understanding each other, and arguing points the other is obviously misunderstanding one has to imagine what the other person could be interpreting too
Comment from : DontTouchMyCorn

Kennedy Garcia
What is the speaker name
Comment from : Kennedy Garcia

Emerson Olivares
Yes, listen with your eyes, ears and actively listen; not passively
Comment from : Emerson Olivares

Timothy Lance T Dela Cruz - ICT 12
this is the reason why silence is golden
Comment from : Timothy Lance T Dela Cruz - ICT 12

that blue triangle fiesty af🤬🔥🤣lmaoo
Comment from : itsbriii

Poetic Indulgence
i like the animations
Comment from : Poetic Indulgence

Adam Benkarroum Garrido
Entonces los cubitos hablan no?
Comment from : Adam Benkarroum Garrido

Kyle Doogan
I realise that most of the characters in the video talk like Demoman
Comment from : Kyle Doogan

whos teacher made you watch this :/
Comment from : Fazer

How can the sudden change in the communicative situation affect the quality of interaction, the speaker-audience relationship, the role and responsibilities of the speaker, the message, and the delivery?
Comment from : Hikaree_

Marianna Tavarilli
I cannot find the video with Italian subititles anymore May anyone help me?
Comment from : Marianna Tavarilli

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How to avoid HMRC self assessment tax investigations - AVOID THESE MISTAKES! How to avoid HMRC self assessment tax investigations - AVOID THESE MISTAKES!
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What happens to old pound coins, now they’ve been replaced? – BBC London News What happens to old pound coins, now they’ve been replaced? – BBC London News
РѕС‚ : BBC London
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РѕС‚ : CoinGecko
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