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Comments Understanding Dyscalculia: Symptoms Explained

Myra House
I’ve literally avoided numbers all my lifebrbrI get total mind fog as soon as I have to deal with thembrbrMy reading is good, my logic abilities good infact most stuff goodbrbrI find it all mind blowing… 🤯brbrThe fear is real …
Comment from : Myra House

Interesting I have Dyscalculia but I have very high emotional intelligence and I am good with interpersonal tasks I was told I am very good at business negotiation, sales and managing workers It is interesting to see how varied the human mind is
Comment from : sv6k0a

I feel like I'm going to die I suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dyscalculia, and there is not enough awareness of the subject in the Arab world I'm really suffering
Comment from : سارا

🐰 UsagiChan🐰
I’m 35 and barely learning I have this no wonder I could never understood math 😭😭😭😭 it cost me my diploma
Comment from : 🐰 UsagiChan🐰

And here We've been thinking they are dumb Growing up in Africa where scientific diagnostics are rare, I who didn't really like school because of the teaching methods could still do better than most people if I gave my all But for others, no matter how hard the teachers pressured or how hard they tried, they just found it harder to attain certain results in time or even given additional time Some of the students may have had been dyslexic or have dyscalculia and no one would have known and the teaching methods would have failed them
Comment from : Genzo_-Sensei

I remember I was really nervous when I got called in front of the class to solve a math problem to the point that I cried a lot On the contrary, literature fascinates me and it became my haven The teachers in that field complimented me for my essays and I find it entertaining when I learn a new language on my own
Comment from : dazzle

Mark Thompson
I always loathed math class because I just have to take things slow and recheck my work, and most of math class was always about who could do things the fastest So people who naturally process information were always rewarded, and people who process numbers more slowly - through no fault of their own - were always punished So zooming out, the emphasis in the math classes I was in wasn't really on teaching every kid how to do math, the emphasis really was on punishing the kids who were not lucky enough to understand the concepts quickly To this day, I avoid even thinking about math class in high school for this reason
Comment from : Mark Thompson

I defo have some form of it As in school I really struggled with math
Comment from : Divergence

Jessica N
I came across this term today at 30 years old and suddenly things make a lot more sense Nice to know that every teacher I ever had failed to recognize that something was wrong and instead treated me like I was stupid
Comment from : Jessica N

Wendy Oyedeji
I always thought I was dumb when it came to math It gave me issues of self confidence with other subjects although I performed very well brI have been struggling with math all my life but I have been doing well with other subjects especially art subjects brI cannot say for sure if I have dyscalculia but it seems more than true that I may have it brI have issues counting or solving the easiest of math problems It's been like that since childhood
Comment from : Wendy Oyedeji

Chris From SouthAus
If I had to describe Dyscalculia in two words, it would be; onerous, burdensome and complicated
Comment from : Chris From SouthAus

Julia Shalom Jordan
This explains the angst of my life I’m 47 They did not have tests for this when I was in school🤯
Comment from : Julia Shalom Jordan

I want to cry I am really smart, like I understand concepts really well But math has always been so hard to me I was thankful that a school forced us to show our work - every, single thought process had to be written out, even mental math Everyone hated it but I loved it because I could literally see the math concepts in the paper in front of me I never passed precalculus When Algebra finally clicked was when my chemistry teacher in college showed us how to derive any equation, by showing us that the algebra concepts where always the same, whether it was a number or symbol or a palm tree or cat So much pain in life and I finally understand why
Comment from : akirebyrne

Students with Dyscalculia can they get extra time to take a math test?? Without sanctions ?
Comment from : myviews

Imagine growing up with discalculia (and not knowing it) and a human calculator for a father I shouldn't have been allowed to graduate high school, I cannot take care of my own finances
Comment from : RoseOfTheNight4444🌹🌌

Legionaru Emanuel
I have it too, but only for low difficulty opperations not high
Comment from : Legionaru Emanuel

Why am I like this ?? 😭😭😭😭💔
Comment from : WEIRDPOP

Me trying to learn division again at 19brbrIts hard to deal with, its embarrasing, once you know there is a reason for it you can push through,
Comment from : Zunree

My son suffers from this They did not help him, called him stupid and just gave up on him I have struggled to help him through several courses asa n adult he feels shame basically
Comment from : M N

I'm in my first year of culinary school rn and i was surprised at the fact we only have 2 subjects outside of cooking It's Dutch and maths But it isn't even real maths In Dutch we call math wiskunde but what i have is rekenen I know it's so simple but still i can't do it brbrIt really sucks how i from all subjects only have my 2 worst ones, now i seem stupid XX
Comment from : 고양이

barbarians archers
I’m only good at addition subtraction and multiplication and division brApart from that I didn’t understand any topics , be it algebra or equations or geometry
Comment from : barbarians archers

I wish it was more understood in universities, I had to fail several math classes and ultimately changed my major away from CS because of undiagnosed dyscalculia I did eventually complete my bachelor's but in computer information systems instead as the required maths were much less intense and more scenario based questions around business problems which helped me a ton for some reason Perhaps being able to visualize and consider the problem from a practical real world point of view as opposed to doing hundreds of abstract formula based problems was enough to get me through
Comment from : DerfOh

I probably have dyscalculia Or something similar It was a wonder I even passed my math courses lol
Comment from : PianoDisneygal10

I am an adult now and my familly tried the math games and everything yet nothing worked I still strugle to read a normal clock or to understand things like 18:45 I never really understood fractions and I still passed my high school diploma but I needed alot of help I wish that we could normalize talking about discalculia in adults cause we still have dyscalculia and it sucks to budget and navigate capitalism with it
Comment from : cancerianbratzdoll

I read numbers backwards sometimes, I can see and understand for example 15, but same 51 instead Not always but sometimes and if I pay attention rarely And also adhd
Comment from : golden

So glad to hear this for years I felt so dumb and really under valued myself and got bullied for years because of this I'm 32 and now I know AT LASTbrbrMY QUISTION IS HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO LEARN MATH TO BE PROFICIENT ANOUGH IN IT?
Comment from : SANTA CLAUSE

I am 34 years old and since primary school I have trouble with math my problem is I don't understand why some numbers belong somewhere or have been copied or how the calculation is done I really wish I could understand it but it just seems like my brain just won't store it
Comment from : MagikMaschine

Becca Roshi
I wish I knew this before I went to uni, it would have saved me a world of heartache brDid a course that has a lot of math, despite me struggling with it for so long, I just thought I needed to apply myself more like my trs had been saying all my life Boy, was I wrong😪
Comment from : Becca Roshi

I got diagnosed with this when I was pretty young I was always so embarrassed having to leave the room during math time and go to the “special room” because I couldn’t keep up some children are so cruel to one another
Comment from : Hahahhaha99

Cosmic-Creepers :
I’m 31 and can’t do my times tables I panic when I see numbers I didn’t learn how to tell the time until I was 14
Comment from : Cosmic-Creepers :

Leslie Yvette
How do you get diagnosed?
Comment from : Leslie Yvette

Dani Smith
I never had a problem with adding and subtracting numbers, my problem is solving equations, and fractions
Comment from : Dani Smith

I actually was a good reader, but I had dyscalculia but wasn't diagnosed till after college
Comment from : Magnulus76

Peter Foster
Along with other diagnosises, I have this diagnosis! IT SUCKS!
Comment from : Peter Foster

Brenda Mtz
I have dyscalculia, but speak 7 languages fluently and can pick up any language i want at ease I can paint and do other art and am great at writing also a very good speller in several languages brBut math Never I cannot
Comment from : Brenda Mtz

Earlier this year I got my official diagnosis at almost 18 years old I had struggled my whole life with math and physics classes and now I feel relieved, I can use formulas and a calculator during tests The only thing I'm really sad about is that I will not be able to study what I truly love, astrophysics and astronomy, in university because of my condition,but I guess I will embrace it just keep it as a passion
Comment from : diana

Glenarthur Dollete
I became depress when Realize I really am terrible in math Even in basic and simple problems I cannot solve it Even in giving change when buying things I often think that I am truly dumb and I am stupid But still I always say to my self no one is perfect And Just have to be me
Comment from : Glenarthur Dollete

Jo Flores
Do u think being a Dyscalculia tutor is in demand
Comment from : Jo Flores

I got F’s and D’s in math my whole life As an adult I still read numbers backwards and can’t do any basic math in my head Thankfully everyone has a phone now so I can always use a calculator
Comment from : Zephyr

Forcing myself to be good at math was so depressing I can't divide numbers
Comment from : justnotleast

sandra ♡
I'm in 10th grade and can't do basic division and I don't know the times tables It can be quite draining to have to go through every school day pretending to understand the math lessons lol
Comment from : sandra ♡

Alice im Wunderland
im not diagnoed yet but it does seem like i have dyscalculia brthe thing is just that im generally very intelligent ( hi, gifted kid here) and especially logic is what im really good at ( yes i did actual intelligence tests)but because of that ican work around my number problems pretty well and seem to be just average in mathbri always feel like i know nothing but if i get things explained in a way that fits me i understand math easily and fast but in school i never get that since i need a long time for the 'easy' things but the supposedly hard part is actually easy to mebrbrits just a pretty isolating experience
Comment from : Alice im Wunderland

Diana Junus
Had so much trouble with math readinh directions got in trouble at school all the tome
Comment from : Diana Junus

I noticed how people with dyscalculia have a great connection with art, I’m absolutely horrible at math not only because of not paying attention in online school for an year but because all the things I’ve learned in the past grade I’ve either forgotten or barely remember and I have great connection with art, It makes me feel happy and it’s so soothing, Brings ease to my mind
Comment from : ronnie

Beth Chapman
Struggled with maths but succeeded in all other subjects at school, my mum and I discovered dyscalculia and tried to see if my teacher could help She told me I wasn’t bad enough I tried again at college but no help, it wasn’t until I got to university that I managed to get the diagnosis I needed That was after I had to take it into my own hands Found out I had dyspraxia too which answered alot of questions toobrbrPeople don’t understand dyscalculia as a whole and think it’s just being bad at maths It’s so much more deep rooted into everyday life than a lot realise I have zero concept of time, measurements, distance or sequences People think if you just practice you’ll get better (I have this argument with my husband regular) I get so much anxiety about having to do mental or quick maths I just shut down or get panicky when I get into a situation that requires the basic level that I can actually do, it just takes me longer to do than most
Comment from : Beth Chapman

I got a 32 on the reading and a 16 in math on my HS ACT 😅 nobody believed when I said I was "like dyslexic with numbers or something"
Comment from : DC

Beki T
Maybe it’s not the child it’s the school system that’s the problem
Comment from : Beki T

my cousins always makes fun of me because of this I'm trying my best to learn math and its hard to learn from myself in this difficult time im having a hard time recalling what I learn and at some point i just don't want to learn math anymore having this sure sucks but, this isn't the reason to give-up on
Comment from : Terano

Ren Ren
I dont know if I have dyscalculia or not but I can only do like basic math but algebra I just dont get it
Comment from : Ren Ren

Khaleesi Y
I remember sweating bullets about being expected to add in my head I need fingers and calculator unless its small numbers
Comment from : Khaleesi Y

Rudy Roche
Math made school painful , History is where I shined ✨✨😌
Comment from : Rudy Roche

I love reading and have never had an issue with it However, no matter how many times I’ve tried to even remember the absolute basics, I can’t for the life of me remember the times tables or subtraction However, wording used in maths really, REALLY confuses me
Comment from : V ÏÏ P E R

Yes I have this and no one understands when I say I can’t do math at all :( it gives me so much anxiety and I feel so stupid :((((
Comment from : Y4y0

Comment from : Shermar

Tracy W
I reverse numbers ALL the time Reading my credit card number out loud is so uncomfortable and embarrassing I’ve found it easier to say it in pairs like 32, 46 instead of 3, 2, 4, 6 individually I have to really concentrate not to reverse numbers I’m saying out loud I’ll also put them in the calculator reversed if I’m not really concentrating Math was hell for me
Comment from : Tracy W

Christo Chaney
I’m convinced I have this condition I had to give up on getting an associate degree because it just caused more trauma
Comment from : Christo Chaney

Oh that makes sense
Comment from : Dainsleif

I don’t know if I have Dyscalculia or if I’m just really bad at maths
Comment from : tzuyuwu

Something Saturday
People who have adhd have a higher chance of having dyslexia and Dyscalculia I have mild dyslexia, but I’m in advanced math 😎👍🏻 So having it doesn’t mean ur dumb or stupid, it just means u need a little help! And doesn’t everyone need it now in 2021 tho lol!
Comment from : Something Saturday

I felt so bad about the constant fail in maths while I passed my other subjects In primary school I had to use strokes to calculate while others could multiply divide easily I had a hard time telling the time Secondary school was just mean my teachers called me dumb 😹😹😹I couldn’t even understand the equation yet my classmates blurted out the answer
Comment from : Ells

Mihaela Jermilova
Thing has always been that I always understood the math processes but would get so lost when it came to put the numbers together On the other hand, I was so good with physics because e were allowed to use calculators Too bad everyone thought I was stupid because I sucked at math Even though I could speak 4 languages fluently in secobdary school already
Comment from : Mihaela Jermilova

I never knew it had a name I'm 37 now but at least I know
Comment from : DiscoTimelord

I always struggled with math throughout my youth and teenage years and still even today as an adult, I finally now realize why I've been struggling so much over math for this many years, because of my Dyscalculia I wish my parents could have shown me strategies to better understand my dyscalculia, or to bring me to a place where they can teach us how dyscalculia works and how to manage it in everyday life When I was around 10 years old, my mom brought me to this place to do some physical and mental tests on to figure out why I was struggling with certain things apart from my dyscalculia, but I brushed it off, and never looked more into my struggle and I didn't reach out for help to manage my dyscalculia, also I think because in those years Neurotherapy wasn't created yet
Comment from : Rayne

i wish they educated u more about this disorder didn't know this was a thing till i googled why i can't do simple addition lol
Comment from : Angel

small la
I have this omfg I always said I was dyslexic but with math 😩😭 now I now it's called "Dyscalculia" I don't think I'm dyslexic cause I love reading books 😅
Comment from : small la

Paul Ramsammy
I got a very hard time counting money since in school and on my own I'm in my twenties by the way with this problem
Comment from : Paul Ramsammy

Ericas doll world
This is extremely informative I had no idea there was a term for struggling with math I been in special math classes since 4th grade and all the way to when i graduated high school Always struggled with math and no one understood it When i was learning multiplication they just said its not hard just multiply it by so many times in your head I couldn't do that When i was playing monopoly with my brother there was a thing i had to do and take away 10 of my money I didn't understand that and my grandma pretty much made fun of me for it Saying do they still put you in those special classes? And said something like its not helping you I was bullied a lot for it for having this problem Even by my own siblings and family 😞
Comment from : Ericas doll world

This brought tears to my eyes I would study twice as hard as all my peers in math classes and receive a worse grade When it came to verbal and science classes without heavy math, I would excel and often be at the top Time to get an assessment for discalculia
Comment from : XTheSpartanX7

Pariah - The Thinking Bogan
I've always barely scraped by when it comes to maths, numbers have always done my head since I was a kid I just can't understand it If I knew about this when I was younger I could of done something but now I'm stuck at an infants understanding of math
Comment from : Pariah - The Thinking Bogan

Crystal Nova
Since late elementary school, all I knew was that I had a learning disability with math I never had a name for it until very recently I barely passed algebra in my first year of high school I've failed or had to withdraw from multiple math classes altogether in college since starting in 2016 I always felt stupid and angry with myself because I would get stuck on the simplest of things, and remained stuck until the rest of the class had moved on to other sections of the course Hell, I still count using my fingers, and struggle with multiplication tables and fractions especially I want to graduate from college, but math is one of my general classes that I still have to take In spite of all that, I'm glad that I finally have a name for my math disability
Comment from : Crystal Nova

I’m 25 and haven’t been able to learn a bit of math I’ve been trying for over 7 years to finish the math portion of the ged (got all fs in every math class I took, maybe a d if I took the class dishonestly) and have failed more times than I can remember I’ve had tutors, used website after website, tried to take courses recommended to me…and nothing I can’t remember a single bit of it and it sucks I’ve spent so much trying to find a way to learn this and not one thing has worked Maybe I’m just a lost cause or something
Comment from : Hallowed

Froot Bat
i’m a marine bio major and i can’t do basic multiplication :( but i have a 38 average in all my other STEM classes including chem, but i’m struggling so much in trig right now because of my dyscalculia
Comment from : Froot Bat

I really thought I could do ap calculus😭boy was I a goofy
Comment from : NotYourAverage1saiah

George Hickman
I can't tell the time without working it out, I've no judgement on distance or time or speed, I'm no homing pigeon, I could get lost in my own house I can do basic add/subtract on paper, I can't visialise nums in my head & multiplication or anything further will have me bawling I'm 45 & I refuse, as an adult now, to let maths upset me, the avoidance method works very well for me Maths is alien & I'll never understand it I know now I'm not dumb, as I've been called over the yrs, however accepting that I just can't do maths has helped me immensely
Comment from : George Hickman

Rikki Chadwick
I'm 21 and I struggle with calculations, especially division, I'm just so slow when it comes to numbers
Comment from : Rikki Chadwick

Nyran Stanton
i think i might have dyscalculia
Comment from : Nyran Stanton

Neo Sefolo
Crying because why isn’t this talked about more? Why were those of us with dyscalculia allowed to slip through the cracks? I’m 23 and I have a lifetime of memories of feeling utterly stupid for being unable to understand maths even though i excelled in other subjects like languages and history We need to open up the conversation about dyscalculia so more kids don’t get left behind
Comment from : Neo Sefolo

Akshat Sharma
The moment I see Lines and Numbers and Complex mathematical equations my Cortex motor stops workingMy school thought I was acting OutGUES WHAT I was Diagnosed With Migraine Since class 3
Comment from : Akshat Sharma

I'm not diagnosed with dyscalculia but I've always struggled with numbers and maths I'm 17 and still struggle in reading analog clocks, reason why I prefer digital watches I struggle counting backwards and struggle making mental calculation even with the easiest numbers and still uses my hands to count sometimes I struggle measuring 3/4cups of flour when baking because I need to calculate it in 1/2 or 1/4 before coming up with an answer I've always consider myself dumb when it comes to numbers and other people would agree(even my parents) but after learning about dyscalculia, it made me question myself Was I really dumb or do I just have a problem that I didn't know exists? I'm taking BS ARCHITECTURE which is really ironic for someone who struggles with numbers 😅
Comment from : Erial

Green 4 da Spleen
im 24 and always thought i was just stupid
Comment from : Green 4 da Spleen

I'm actually crying right now I just thought I was stupid Still counting on my fingers in high school I literally just started giving up if I couldnt understand a concept Someone would explain it to me multiple times and it would make zero sense no matter what Not even going to talk about a p p l y I n g mathematical rules
Comment from : no

Ctrl Λlt Dstrction
Good thing kids now will have an easier time because Ethel actually have begun recognizing this! It’s been a problem my whole life and I was told I was lazy because I couldn’t learn math beyond very basics in school Ever
Comment from : Ctrl Λlt Dstrction

I have yet been diagnosed, but I have always been having trouble with math and failed math my whole life! I as well had issues with reading and was pulled into small reading groups in school, but never got diagnosed I noticed in 8th grade when my teacher pointed out that I switched numbers like 74 to 47 or when it was 18 I would put 17 It kind of set it that I probably was always doing this my whole life
Comment from : BlackSheep

Devious kawaii
I’m almost in fifth grade and I don’t even know how to do division or fractions yet 😭🙁😭😭🙁🤗😎😭😹🤗😡
Comment from : Devious kawaii

Coyogon Em
I was soo bullied for getting bad grades in math 😔 and now that I am soon turning 21 I can't read the time still 🕐 only digital I can manage around with
Comment from : Coyogon Em

Ashleigh Berryman
Also Art class was a safe haven It was where I the genius One day a group of kids were just watching me and another guy copy a famous painting with ease One day a girl said” How can y’all do that and I cant it’s just art” and they guy turned around and said “the same way you can do algebra and I just can’t”had to stop myself from bursting into tears right thereyear was 2002
Comment from : Ashleigh Berryman

Ashleigh Berryman
I’m 31, and when people say things about me using my fingers to count or repeating number sequences out loud until I have to punch them in, I just laugh and tell them “Well if felt like it I could redraw almost anything I see almost perfectly I don’t need a GPS to get around most time cuz north, south, east, and west feel different Can you do that?”brbrWe are all different And it’s grand
Comment from : Ashleigh Berryman

Im 21 and in remedial math in college I've failed algebra 1 six times I've given up
Comment from : Aderyn

Is dyscalculia usually found in individuals with other learning difficulties like dyslexia? Because I have all the symptoms of dyscalculia, but I am above average in reading comprehension and writing Could I still have dyscalculia?
Comment from : Sofia

Viconius Vortex
I'm curious Have any of you with dyscalculia used ryhming or visuals like dots on dominos?
Comment from : Viconius Vortex

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